Why you should be using semantically correct HTML mark-up

Using correct HTML tags within your markup not only helps with SEO but also promotes web standards and for some gives us a warm fuzzy feeling in our stomach knowing things are the way they were meant to be.

But what exactly does semantically correct HTML mean? HTML is a markup language, and as with other languages, HTML tags and attributes can have a meaning (semantics) attached to them. Typically HTML elements can roughly be categorised into the following:

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Ten things to do after you install WordPress

WordPress is a fantastic tool for anything from casual blogging to fully fledged CMS. If you are a designer and or developer using WordPress chances are you will be installing WordPress quite a few times but even if you’ve never installed WordPress before you’ll find this guide useful.

If you’ve installed WordPress more than a couple of times you would have noticed that there are few things that you always tend do with each WP install. Here are some of the first few steps you should consider doing after installing WordPress.

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