Getting Started with Mobile App Design

If you’re a UX, UI or Web Designer it can perhaps be a bit daunting at first to jump into the relatively new field of Mobile App Design, but don’t worry almsost all of your design, UX and UI skills are still very relevant. There are just a few new rules and tools to get your head around, or perhaps just a slightly different way of using tools that you’re already familiar with. At the time of writing I’m also still quite new to this game and this article is aimed at helping you get a bit of a start and an overview of the tools available. Whilst this article will focus mostly on getting started with App Design for iOS but general guidelines apply to all types of mobile devices.
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Responsive Web Design – Adaptive Layouts with Media Queries

Responsive Web design is an approach to design and devlopment aimed at creating designs that respond to the behaviour and environment of a user based on platform, screen size and orientation. This typically involves using a combination of flexible layouts, images and grid as well as a bit of clever use of CSS media queries to adapt the design depending on screen resolution.

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5 must have free browser tools for web designers & developers

Most designers have a set favourite tools they turn to for day to day design tasks. In addition to the more traditional design tools like Photoshop and Dreamweaver some little applications add-on or integrate straight into your browser without the need to use a separate application, allowing you to skip a few steps and streamline your workflow. Most of these tools make daily tasks easier whilst others are simply so great that you can’t comprehend how you survived without them. Here are the top 5 browser tools in my design toolbox.
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